Alchemical Classics I:
大成捷要 [柳華陽]
The Essentials of the Shortcut to the Great Achievement by Liu Hua Yang
Liu Hua Yang together with Wu Shou Yang [伍守阳] make up the so-called Wu-Liu School with its main focus on Internal Alchemy [nei dan 內丹]. The former is also the author of the Scripture of Wisdom and Life [hui ming jing慧命經].
The following chapter 16 entitled The Martial Fire’s Marvellous Effects [wu huo miao yong武火妙用] from the alchemical classic The Essentials of the Shortcut to the Great Achievement [da cheng jie yao大成捷要] is not a pure translation as it is interspersed with explanations by our teacher Li Shifu from Five Immortals Temple. In his own words this scripture is worth being translated “…in order to transmit it to everyone with destiny in each and every country in the West, in order to explicate the upright principles of cultivation, in order to ignite a Heavenly light, as well as to make it unlikely for anyone to end up in misinterpretations and in losing one’s direction and way. “
For the first fifteen chapters see the following link:…/
注 : 此乃郝祖太古真人研修体证。
At the time of undertaking the boiling and refining of the Martial Fire, one must incite the Xun-Trigram Wind and fan up the flames of the furnace. i.e. breathing into the Cinnabar Field – the furnace for refinement. Qi is revolving on the inside as the power of one’s Heart is raised and one’s thoughts are concentrated. The radiance of the eyes are fixated on a point, internally illuminating and internally gazing, focused and single-mindedly.
Any outside or inside disturbance would lead to the loss of everything you gained up to this stage:
An error the breadth of a single hair will lead you a thousand Chinese miles astray.
When one’s intent is not dispersed, the Ten Thousand contemplations are all in vain. One must imagine the Cinnabar Field’s centre point. Visualize the light, the heat, the movement and the smelting, so the True Seed can spring forth. Fiery flames are soaring and seething. Its shining luminance is majestic and imposing, as if being an ingredient inside a metal furnace. The Wind casket is twitching as if one’s breath; the charcoal ignites and the flames rise. It is considered to be a tool for carrying out the boiling and refining.The Wisdom Life, and the Golden Essence, Pre-Heaven Qi and the Post-Heaven Essence, that are about to be send forth externally, are absorbed naturally and take refuge in their original place. When one returns to the point of the revolving Qi mechanism, the external Kidneys disappear and shrink completely. In the aftermath repeat the boiling and repeat the refinement. The Original Essence thoroughly changes into Original Qi. When it naturally manifest for a period of time in sceneries of clear skies and pure Qi, splendid and marvellous environments, one must bring the Martial Fire’s True Time to a halt and refrain from using it anymore. It is a perception that has to be experienced firsthand:
Only by drinking the water,
can the duck know whether it is cold and hot.
Without these methods there is no way to enter the Gate and one must remain a common person forever. You potentially could gain immortality, but you would miss out on the life of a commoner:
One is born from this, you die from this.
One gains from this and you lose from this.
Without sentiments it is difficult to cultivate the Dao.
With sentiments it is difficult to return to the Source.
Worldly people cannot read this lore and fully comprehend it, let alone putting it into practice as they are un-experienced:
One thought – ascending to Heaven.
Two thoughts -entering the Earth.
Many people relapse and return to the state of a commoner – fools with common desires leading to common births of Yang. It is crucial not to deviate with one’s thoughts, otherwise one will encounter issues. The abnormal giving birth of Yang does not happen due to desire but out of Purity and Stillness, and ultimately taking shape in the True Seed of life and death – un-extinguishable.
Who is able to do it?
This content thus originates from Patriarch Hao’s, the Perfected One Tai Gu, research, advanced studies and cultivation. He physically verified it step-by-step.