Posts by Purple Cloud Admin
Saints & Sages Part XIII: 大禹 Yu, The Great
Saints & Sages Part XIII: 大禹 Yu, The Great ___________________________________________________________ 除了这三件宝物的来历,还有一段故事在当地流传呢! 古代禹帝时期,天下洪水泛滥,平原地带都被水淹了。禹帝爷为了制服(治服)洪水,便驾着万年神龟四处察看水情。一日,来到了老母荒的山顶,见洪水太大,就在此设立神坛,准备借用神力使山川移位,河流改道,让洪水入海。只见禹帝爷手捧朝天笏,向上天禀报了一番,请天帝派四海龙王、群神天将协助治水。他书写了一道令符,从怀中掏出翻天印,正要往下盖章的时候,太上老君来了,一扇子扇来,把印扇扁了,只盖上了一半,眨眼的功夫,翻天印、朝天笏和万年龟都化成了石头。只听老君爷说道:“天下万物兴衰自有定数,不可依神力改变,当以人力顺理而为,如人世间都以神力行事,有违天意。”真是定数,如果老君爷晚来一步,令符被禹帝爷盖上翻天印,祭起神符,敕令众神施法,那大地、山川、河流就不会是现在这个样子了!大禹爷没有了三件宝物,失去了神力,只好依靠人力率领众百姓挖土建堤,疏通河道,引水入海,终于战胜了洪水。如今山川依旧,仙迹尤在,已是时过境迁。 Besides from the origin of these three treasures, there was also one story which was disseminated locally! During the ancient era of the Emperor Yu, there was rampant flooding all under the heavens. The plain regions were all submerged under water. In order…
Read MoreDaoism Series 17: 性命双修 Dual Cultivation of Inner Nature and Life-Destiny [Excerpt]
Daoism Series 17 性命双修 Dual Cultivation of Inner Nature and Life-Destiny [Excerpt] _______________________________________ The following is an excerpt from chapter 49 of the Comprehensive Mirror of True Immortals Who Embodied the Dao of All Ages [li shi zhen xian ti dao tong jian 历世真仙体道通鉴] [3]. 紫陽常云:道家以命宗立教,故詳言命而略言性。釋氏以性宗立教,故詳言性而略言命。性命本不相離,道釋本無二致。 Zi Yang [i.e. Zhang Bo Duan] frequently said: The…
Read MoreChinese Medicine Series 02: 景岳全书 The Complete Compendium of [Zhang] Jingyue
Chinese Medicine Series 02: 景岳全书 The Complete Compendium of [Zhang] Jingyue ___________________________________________________________ The following is an excerpt of the translation of Vol.1-3 of The Complete Compendium of [Zhang] Jingyue, ‘Eight Principles, Ten Questions and Mingmen Theory’ by Allen Tsaur, published by Purple Cloud Press by 8th August 2020. It will be the first of a three-book…
Read MoreForgotten Treasure of the Daoist Medicine King Sect
The stories and teachings on Daoist medicine expounded here emerge from one of the last remaining inheritors of the knowledge of the藥王派 (Yao Wang Pai, Medicine King Sect of Daoist Medicine), as it is currently transmitted at the Five Immortals Temple on Bai Ma Shan. Much of this legacy has been lost, and much of…
Read MorePath of the Spiritual Warrior: -Karma of Ring Fighting-
Path of the Spiritual Warrior: -Karma of Ring Fighting- ______________________ The following is an excerpt from Lindsey Wei‘s forthcoming book ’Path of the Spiritual Warrior: Life and Teachings of Muay Thai Fighter Pedro Solana‘ to be published by Purple Cloud Press very soon: _____________________________________________ I asked Kru in conversation one day, “Does anger come out in the…
Read MoreSaints & Sages Part XII: 麻衣道者 The Hemp-Clad Daoist
Saints & Sages Part XII: 麻衣道者 The Hemp-Clad Daoist ______________________________________ The Hemp-Clad Daoist [ma yi dao zhe 麻衣道者], who was also known by the name of Hemp-Clad Daoist Adept [ma yi dao shi 麻衣道士] and Hemp-Clad Person of the Dao [ma yi dao ren麻衣道人]. He was a master who supposedly passed on the Tai Ji…
Read MoreDaoism Series 16: 道門七技 The Seven Skills of the Gate of the Dao
Daoism Series 16 道門七技 The Seven Skills of the Gate of the Dao _________________________________________________ Transcribed from teachings by Li Shi Fu 诀法咒符禁炁术。 Hand Seals, Rituals, Incantations, Talismans, Prohibitions, Qi and Arts. _______________________________ Originally the Seven Skills were all transmitted directly by teachers. Any Daoist healer lacking the content of the Seven Skills does not…
Read MoreExplanations of Channels and Points Vol.1 – Point Explanations V
Explanations of Channels and Points Vol.1 – Point Explanations V ___________________________________________________________ The following post is an excerpt from《Explanations of Channels and Points Vol. 1》 [经穴解] translated by Michael Brown and edited by Allen Tsaur. It explicates the origin of point names from a new perspective and viewpoint. The Heart ________________________________________________ Fifth Point of the Heart Channel…
Read More修道四十九関: The 49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao
修道四十九関 The 49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao _________________________________________________ Barrier 4, The Barrier of Wealth and Profit 財利關 _________________________________________________ Main Text based on Liu Yi Ming’s 50 Barriers _______________________________________________ 財有世財與法財之分,世財者,金銀珠玉,法財者,功德精誠,積法財者,重功德而輕金銀,以性命為珠寶,以仁義為金玉,以惜氣養神為貨利,以存誠保真為富有,以清淨無為為家業,雖修行,身未離塵世,不能全廢世財,亦當見利思義隨其自然,受之而禳災扶危,修造宫觀,大興教門,用財得當,當積法財,而不可借神詐財,指佛吞金,肥己養私 。 Wealth is divided into the worldly wealth and Dharma wealth. The worldly wealth is gold, silver, pearls and jade, while the Dharma wealth is…
Read More辟谷: Abstention from Grains (part 5)
辟谷 Abstention from Grains (part 5) _________________________________________________ 余数见断穀人三年二年者多,皆身轻色好,堪风寒暑湿,大都无肥者耳。虽未见数十岁不食者,然人绝穀不过十许日皆死,而此等已积载而自若,亦何疑於不可大久乎?若令诸绝穀者专羸,极常虑之,恐不可久耳。而问诸为之者,无不初时少气力,而後稍丁健,月胜一月,岁胜一岁,正尔,可久无嫌也。夫长生得道者,莫不皆由服药吞气,而达之者而不妄也。夫服药断穀者,略无不先极也。但用符水及单服气者,皆作四十日中疲瘦,过此乃健耳。郑君云:本性饮酒不多,昔在铜山中,绝穀二年许,饮酒数斗不醉。以此推之,是为不食更令人耐毒,耐毒则是难病之候也。 葛洪《抱朴子》 I have seen several times people who have cut themselves off from grains for two or three years. All of them had a light body with good complexion. They were able to endure wind, cold, summer-heat, and dampness. The majority of them were not fat. Although…
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