Ge Hong: Golden Elixir Pt.2


Master Of Embracing Simplicity
Chapter 4•The Golden Elixir

Excerpt II


The Nine Elixirs are the essentials for long life. It is not what is for the ordinary people to be seen and heard. Ten Thousand fore-visions and omens move in disorderly fashion [for them], only aware that they contain riches and high ranks, nothing more. Would it not be walking dead corpses? One ought to make sacrifices in a timely manner. [Such] sacrifices take up one scroll of diagrams and methods.


The first Elixir is called Florescence Elixir. One ought at first produce the Mysterious Yellow, using realgar water, alum stone water, military salt, brine salt, arsenic ore, oyster [shells], crimson stone resin, talc, and white lead, each numbering ten Chinese pounds, considered to be [called] the Six-One Mud. Fire [it] for thirty-six days to complete it and ingest [it] for seven days to become an immortal. Furthermore employing the Mysterious Pill of this Elixir, placed on fierce fires, in a flash it turns to gold. Moreover employing two hundred forty ounces together with one hundred Chinese pounds of mercury in a firing [process], it also turns into Gold. When it forms Gold, the medicine also forms. When Gold does not form, seal the medicine even more and [continue] firing. With the number of days as before, without exception it will succeed.


The Second Elixir is called Spirit Elixir, it also called Spirit Talisman. Ingested for one hundred days [equals] immortality. Implementing the [proper] measurements of Water & Fire and applying this Elixir by smearing [it] on the underside of the feet, one is able to step and walk on water. [After] ingesting [the amount of] three blades of a jade tablet [1] , all the Three Corpses and the Nine Worms promptly vanish and rot away [and] all the Hundred Diseases fully recover.


The Third Elixir is called Spirit Elixir. Ingesting [the amount of] one blade of a jade tablet in one hundred days [one attains] immortality. [If] it is swallowed by the Six Domestic Animals [2] , they are also finally un-dying. It furthermore enables [one] to avert [death] by the Five Weapons [3] . [If] ingested for one hundred days, the immortals and the Jade Maiden, the mountains’ and streams’ Ghosts and Spirits all appear to attend upon and serve, appearing as if of human form.


The Fourth Elixir is called Reverting Elixir. Ingesting [the amount of] one blade of a jade tablet, in one hundred days immortality [ensues]. The vermilion birds and phoenixes are gliding and overturning above, the Jade Maiden arrives until near. Using [the amount of] one blade of a jade tablet together with one Chinese pound of mercury for firing, [it] immediately turns into Gold. Employing this Elixir to be used to be smeared on money that has been used, within a few days it reverts and return. [If] this Elixir is written above the eyes of ordinary people, the Hundred Ghosts will run away.

The Fifth Elixir is called Enticing Elixir. [If[ ingested for thirty days [one attains] immortality. The Ghosts and Spirits appear to attend upon and [for one’s] service [and] the Jade Maiden appears in one’s front.

The Sixth Elixir is called Refined Elixir.. [If] ingested for ten days immortality [ensues]. Furthermore by the means of mercury and firing it also turns into Gold.

The Seventh Elixir is called Supple Elixir. [If] ingesting [the amount of] one blade of a jade tablet [one becomes] immortal in one hundred days. Employed with the ingestion of raspberry juice, a ninety year old man also is able to bear sons, and together with lead [4] and firing it instantly turns into Gold.


The Eight Elixir is called Subduing Elixir. [If] ingested [one becomes] an immortal the very same day. [If] employing this Elixir as if the pit of a jujube [one] is allowed to hold it, the Hundred Ghosts flee away. Employing this Elixir written above the door of an entrance, the Ten Thousand evils and multitudes of goblins do not dare to advance. It also averts thieves, bandits, tigers and wolves.


The Ninth Elixir is called Cold Elixir. [If] ingesting [the amount of] the blade of a Jade tablet, in one hundred days [there will be] immortality. The Immortal Boy and the Immortal Maiden appear to serve and attend upon, flying [and] lightly lifted, not by the use of wings. Altogether these [are] Nine Elixirs, but obtaining [just] one Elixir changes [one] into an immortal. But they are not all produced, [but] produced [from] within people’s goodness. In the material world ingesting the Nine Elixirs [and] desiring to ascend to Heaven means abandonment. Desiring to also stop among humans at will and arbitrarily, all of them are capable of exiting and entering continuously, impossible to obtain any harm [from it].

[1] Dao Gui [刀圭] is most likely a knife-shape (刀) spoon with a ring at the end of the handle (like many jade 圭) used for measuring (precious) medicinal powder. Tao Hongjing describes it as having 1/10th of the volume of the “square inch spoon” [方寸匕] (which comes up frequently in Zhang Zhong Jing’s Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lve)

[2] The Six Domestic Animals are the pig, ox, goat, horse, fowl and dog

[3] The Five Weapons in one identification according to the Huang Di Nei Jing Tai Su includes the bow, the bamboo stick, the lancet, the axe and the halberd.

[4] Jin Gong is translated here as lead, but literally is the Golden Duke, an alternative name for the Monkey King Sun Wu Kong from the Journey to the West.

Purple Cloud Admin

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