Making Chinese Medicine Series 02 – 枸杞膏 Gou Qi Gao: Wolfsberry Syrup

Making Chinese Medicine Series 02

Gou Qi Gao:
Wolfsberry Syrup

(in collabo with Jan Lennivati founder of Aoyao-Medicinals)

200g of Gou Qi, cook them for 30 min, the first time drain it through a sieve, cook it another two times for 20 min. Each (total 3 times) of the remaining fluid becomes like a thick fluid/jelly when it cools down.
photos Jan Lennivati

Based on instructions translated by Lorraine Wilcox

Gou Ji Gao: a half pound of organic Gou Qi Zi. Rinse. Put in the Instant Pot. Add enough water to cover but no more. Pressure cook for 30 minutes. Natural release for 10 minutes then vent. Strain through two layers of cheesecloth. Bottle and label. It thickened on its own, without any further action. The whole thing took 1 hour and 20 minutes, with very little cleanup.

From Lorraine’s translation the indication are as follows:

不論男婦,每早晚用酒調服。能生精,補元氣,益榮衛,生血,悅顏色,大補諸虛百損,益壽延年。 It doesn’t matter if the patient is male or female. Mix it with liquor and take it every morning and evening. It can generate jīng-essence, supplement original qì, boost yíng and wèi, engender blood, make the countenance pleasing, strongly supplement all deficiencies and the hundred damages, boost longevity, and lengthen years.


Purple Cloud Admin


  1. ray on 12th April 2020 at 1:28 am

    How much?

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