About Chinese Medicine

What is Chinese Medicine?

Chinese Medicine as it is practiced today has recognisable roots stretching back at least 2,500 years, with its theories being defined in seminal texts such as the 黃帝內經 Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor and the 傷寒論 Treatiste on Cold Damage.

Chinese medical theory and procedures were at the prevalent medical practices not just in China, but throughout Asia, for thousands of years up until the early 20th century. It has historically been used to treat a vast array of conditions, chronic and acute, orthopedic and internal.

During a treatment, a diagnosis is usually formulated using a combination of methods, which depending on the condition may include conducting a verbal intake comprising inquiry about sleep, digestion, pain etc., examining tongue, skin, face and eyes for irregularities and palpation of the pulse, abdomen and musculo-skeletal system.

Chinese medicine is a personalised medical modality and as such treatment needs to be tailored to each individual's specific condition. Identifying the Chinese medical pathomechanism is key to successful treatment. It is often stated in Chinese medicine 同病異治,異病同治 , or that (depending on circumstances) the same diseases can have a different treatments and different diseases can have the same treatment.

After a diagnosis has been reached, a suitable treatment will begin using one of the multitude of therapies available to Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage and bodywork, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, and lifestyle advice including dietary therapy and Qigong, Tai Ji or Dao Yin exercises to be performed at home.

The Purple Cloud clinic runs a general practice which includes treatment for symptoms of orthopedic injuries  as well as internal issue.

We frequently see a variety of different conditions, to see if we can be of any help please do not hesitate to get in contact.

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Image courtesy of The Wellcome Collection