Our Mission

Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World

The Purple Cloud Institute takes its name from the Purple Cloud Temple 紫霄宮 , one of the three major Daoist temples of the Wudang Mountains complex in China. The color purple holds special significance in China and has long been associated with healing and metaphysical transformation. Seen as mysterious, precious and rare, it was often reserved for royalty and enlightened sages; it also symbolized the North Star, the abode of the Celestial Emperor. Resulting from the intermingling of blue and red, the colors attributed to water and fire in Daoist alchemical and Chinese medical traditions, a purple cloud will arise only when these polar opposites are integrated.

Similarly, it is the aim of the Purple Cloud Institute to integrate various forms of traditional Chinese and Asian culture into a modern context and make them accessible to a Western audience without compromising their integral essence. Although at times the modern world can seem at odds with, even opposed to these traditional arts we believe that developing a deeper understanding of this knowledge may help the society of today face many of its most critical challenges. Through clinical practice of traditional medicine, the written word, face-to-face teaching and digital media communication methods it is hoped we will be able to reach a wide audience to promote health and well-being and encourage a broader appreciation of these time-honored modalities.

"It is far superior to know that one does not know, as it is a sickness to confuse one’s ignorance for knowledge. Only when one becomes sick of this sickness will one cease to be sick. "

Dao De Jing 71