About Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture as it is practiced today has its origins in China around 2000 years ago, although there is some evidence its roots stretch back even further. Modern acupuncture is the process of inserting disposable, sterile needles into specific point of the body to elicit a therapeutic response.

Different effects can be produced depending on where the needles are inserted in the body, and the techniques by which they are inserted. These effects can include an increase in blood flow, the stimulation of tissue repair, a reduction  inflammation, regulation of hormones, strengthening of the immune system to increase resistance to cold and flu, and a release of the body's own natural opioid pain-killers.

At the Purple Cloud Clinic we also have years of experience working alongside oncologists and other medical professionals in the field of cancer care at the Kinghorn Cancer Centre, St Vincent's Hospital and Westmead Hospital, using acupuncture to help manage symptoms that deprive both oncology patient's and cancer survivors of their quality of life.

There are many different styles and schools of acupuncture, at the Purple Cloud Clinic we are well trained in several different methods so we can tailor treatment to suit what is best for you.

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