Alchemical Classics:
Essential of the Shortcut to the Great Achievement
The Heavenly Mechanism of
the Creation of the Not-Old-Not-Tender True Seed [Excerpt]
先天真种,本来无相。因神气交感,混合已极。知不觉,忽然丹田融融洽洽,周身稣快乐,痒生毫窍,身心无主。丹田温暖,气机渐渐流动,阳物勃然兴起,顶门有冷气吹入。而气穴之中,忽然一吼呼吸顿断,离于口鼻,倒回元海。只觉得下田之中冬冬有声,惊战移时,忽又停住不动。只觉得气息浮起,或透出鼻息,或未透出鼻息,或至喉而返。忽又吼的一声,呼吸顿然倒回气穴,不出不入,冬冬有声,惊战移时。一连三次五次,或六七次而后已。丹田空洞无际,上无覆,下无基,中含一物,此乃是药苗。气机将嫩之时,切不可动念采取,当还虚以待之。其心息如磁石之相翕,神气如虫蛰之相合。如在母腹未生之前,恍恍惚惚,我自不肯舍彼,彼自不肯离我,相亲相恋,钮结一团。不知不觉入于混沌。其中景象,似施翕而实未见其施翕。似泻似漏,而实未至于泻漏。其妙真有,不可言语形容。此时四肢百骸,皆不能动转。无非耳能听人之语,护道之侣谨谨看守,千万莫惊入定之士。 接命之时, 便是伤命之处。少焉,痒生毫窍,肢体如绵。恍惚之间,心性复灵。上则呼吸复起, 下则阳物复兴。
注 : 此乃邱祖真人研修体证。
The Pre-Heaven True Seed originally is without form. Because Spirit and Qi intermingle [in] perception, the orbitive fusion. has already [reached its] ultimate [level]. Being aware, [yet] without feelings, suddenly the Elixir Field is harmonious, [and one’s] whole body is revived in delight, [with] a tickle produced in the fine hair-orifice, and one’s] body and Heart-Mind ownerless and unclaimed. The Elixir Field is warm, the Qi mechanism gradually begins to circulate, the Yang object is erect and naturally flourishes, [and] the summit gate has Cold-Qi blowing into the entrance. Furthermore, within the Qi-cavity, suddenly there is a roar, [and] the inhalation-exhalation is instantly interrupted, leaves the mouth and nose, [and] inverts and returns to the Sea of the Origin.
One senses only thumping sounds within the Lower Elixir Field, being for some time alarmed by tremors, when suddenly this also ceases and does not move. One senses only the Qi floating, perhaps penetrating through nose-breathing, perhaps reaching the throat and then reverting. Suddenly there is another roaring sound, as the inhalation-exhalation suddenly inverts and returns to the Qi-cavity, and there is no exiting or entering, but sounds that thump, and for some time one is alarmed by tremors. This occurs continuously, three or five times, or perhaps six or seven times, and thereafter it stops.
The Elixir Field is empty, hollow and boundless;
above without canopy,
below without foundation,
and in the centre it contains one object and matter.
This, thus, is the medicine’s seedling.
When the Qi mechanism is about to become tender, be sure not to stir up any] thoughts, as one should return to the void and stay there. This Heart-Mind and breath are like magnets that mutually attract, [and the Spirit and Qi are like insects that hibernate together in mutual conformity. It is like [the state] before being born from the mother’s belly, far and indistinct:
I myself am not willing to give up that.
That by itself is not willing to separate from me.
[The Spirit and Qi] are deeply attached and mutually loving, tangling and congealing into one sphere. Unknowingly and imperceptibly, one enters into the Primal Chaos. Amongst the spectacles, which are seemingly bestowments, in reality there are no compliant bestowments. One is seemingly drained and leaking, yet in reality one does not go so far as to leak.
This marvel truly exists and cannot be described in words. At this time, the four limbs and the Hundred Bones are all unable to move and turn. [In this state], only the ears are able to hear people’s words. One’s companion, the protector of [the cultivation of one’s] Dao, [should] attentively and diligently watch and stand guard, so absolutely nothing startles the one who has entered stabilization. The time when one takes hold of one’s Life-Destiny is also even more the time when one can harm one’s Life-Destiny. After a short while, a tickle is produced in the fine hair-orifice, and one’s limbs and torso are [soft] like silken floss. In the midst of being far and indistinct, the Heart-Mind’s Inner Nature again returns to [a state of] alertness. Above the inhalation-exhalation rises again, and below the Yang object flourishes again.
This content originates from investigation, cultivation, experience and verification by
the Founding Ancestral Master Qiu, the Perfected One.
PS: The full alchemical treatise of the 《Essentials of the Shortcut to the Great Achievement》 will eventually be published by Purple Cloud Press.
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