Chinese Medicine Series 01 兰江赋 Ode of the Orchid River

Chinese Medicine Series 01

Ode of the Orchid River


This article, translated in collaboration with Allen Tsaur, is about an ode to remember point functions of the Eight Confluent Points of the Extra-meridians. It appears in the ‘Acupuncture and Moxibustion – The Grand Compendium’ [zhen jiu da cheng 针灸大成] by Yang Ji Zhou [杨继洲] 1601:

我今咏此兰江赋, 何用三车五辐歌。
先将八法为定例, 流注之中分次第。
Amidst ‘Support’ and ‘Severance’, how many could be counted?
With ‘Support’ and ‘Severance,’ one [can] cut off and uproot grave diseases.
As I, today, sing this ‘Ode of the Orchid River,
where is the need for the Three Carts and Five Spokes Song?
At first, establish the eight-fold methods as rules of practice,
then, amidst Ebbing and Flowing, arrange [the opening points] into sequence.

For ailments within the chest, Support Nei Guan,
below the navel, utilizes the method to obstruct Gong Sun.
For the head region, one must yet seek for Lie Que,
as well as phlegm and spittle congestion and dry throat.

噤口咽风针照海, 三棱出血刻时安。
伤寒在表并头痛, 外关泻动自然安。
For inability to speak and throat-wind, needle Zhao Hai,
and blood-let with a three-edged needle, within in a short amount of time, one is at peace.
For superficial Cold Damage and headache,
once Wai Guan is drained and activated, it will calm by itself.

眼目之症诸疾苦, 更须临泣用针担。
后溪专治督脉病, 癫狂此穴治还轻。
For symptoms of the eyes as well as various diseases and discomfort,
it is further necessary to Support Lin Qi by needling.
Hou Xi is specialized on ailments of the Governing Vessel,
for mania, this point treats it and returns one to ease.

申脉能除寒与热, 头风偏正及心惊。
耳鸣鼻衄胸中满, 好把金针此穴寻。
Shen Mai is capable of removing cold and heat,
head-wind, deviation, as well as fearfulness,
ear ringing, nosebleeds, fullness of the chest,
grasp well a Golden Needle and seek this point.

更有伤寒真妙诀, 三阴须要刺阳经。
But once encountering itchiness, numbness, and deficiency, one should promptly tonify,
just as when encountering pain, one drains by [needling] against the flow.
Even more truly ingenious are the secrets of Cold Damage,
for the Three Yin [diseases], one must necessarily prick the Yang channels.

倘若汗多流不绝, 合谷收补效如神。
Without sweating, one must even more tonify He Gu,
as well as draining Fu Liu point, it is apt to implement needles.
If sweat is copious and flowing incessantly,
contract [the sweat] by tonifying He Gu, the effect as though [being caused] by the Spirits.

四日太阴宜细辨, 公孙照海一同行。
In four days, it is suitable to meticulously differentiate Tai Yin,
Gong Sun and Zhao Hai are to be coursed simultaneously.
Further employ Nei Guan to implement the Severance Method.
In seven days, it is brilliant to employ needles on Qi Men.

但治伤寒皆用泻, 要知素问坦然明。
流注之中分造化, 常将水火土金平。
Nevertheless, whenever treating Cold Damage, they all employ draining,
one must understand the Simple Questions unperturbed and clearly.
Amidst Ebbing and Flowing, arrange [the opening points] into creative transformations,
frequently balance Water, Fire, Earth and Metal.

春夏井荥刺宜浅, 秋冬经合更宜深。
For consistent lack of Water, it is appropriate to tonify the Lungs,
Once Water is overflowing, Earth can balance it.
In spring and summer, it is suitable to shallowly prick Well and Brook [points],
In fall and autumn, it is even more apt to go deeply into River and Sea [points].

天地四时同此类, 三才常用记心胸。
天地人部次第入, 仍调各部一般匀。
Heaven and Earth, and the four seasons have these types in common,
the Three Powers are frequently employed and [should be] memorized within Heart-Mind and chest.
The positions of Heaven, Earth and Humanity enter in sequential order,
yet regulate each position to be evenly distributed.

夫弱妇强亦有克, 妇弱夫强亦有刑。
皆在本经担与截, 泻南补北亦须明。
When the husband is weak and the wife is strong, there is also restraining.
When the wife is weak and the husband is strong, there is also tormenting.
They all are Support and Severance of the original channels,
Draining the south and tonifying the north must also be clarified.

经络明时知造化, 不得师传枉费心。
不遇至人应莫度, 天宝岂可付非人。
Once the meridians and channels are illuminated, one knows the creative transformations,
Without obtaining the masters’ transmissions, the Heart-Mind’s [effort] is wasted in vain.
Without encountering a virtuous person, one ought not to deliver them.
How could the Heavenly treasures be handed over to un-rightful people?

按定气血病人呼, 撞搓数十把针扶。
战提摇起向上使, 气自流行病自无。
After pressing and settling the Qi and Blood, [ask] the patient to exhale,
after knocking and rubbing dozens of times, straighten up the needle.
By trembling, lifting, swaying, and raising, send [Qi] upwards,
When Qi flows and courses by itself, the ailment will vanish by itself.

PS: This ode can be  downloaded  with full endnotes as PDF for free under this link:
兰江赋 Ode of the Orchid River-Tsaur and Hausen – 2020

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