Daoism Series 30:
Sun Simiao on Dreams
Sun Simiao records on the topic of dreams in his masterpiece Supplements to the Formulae [Worth] a Thousand [Pieces of] Gold [qian jin yi fang千金翼方], in scroll 12 ‘Nourishing Inner Nature’ [yang xing养性] states:
Liezi said: The waxing and waning fluctuations in one’s body, they all commune with the heavens and earth, and respond to [all] categories of objects. That is the reason why when yin qi is strong, then one dreams about wading in great floods and is frightened. When yang qi is strong, then one dreams about wading in great fires and about being burnt and scalded. When yin and yang are both strong, then one dreams about birth and killings [i.e. life and death]. When one is extremely full, one dreams about giving. When one is extremely hungry, one then dreams about taking. Therefore for the ones who are ill with floating [i.e. upsurging sensation) and vacuity they then dream about being lifted [i.e. hovering or levitating]. For the ones who are ill with sinking (i.e. downbearing sensation) and excess, they then dream about drowning. For those who are bundled up in their sash while lying down, they will dream of snakes. When one’s hair is held by flying birds, one will dream of flying, When the heart is agitated, then one will dream about fire. For the ones about to fall ill, they will dream about drinking alcohol and singing and dancing. For the ones about to decline, they will dream about crying. Therefore, harmonize in the early [stages], and treating the later [stages], purify the spirit and extinguish the thoughts; as such, one is fully endowed with the dao of nourishing life.
Post-Scriptum: This article will be published as part of a book, entitled ‘Arts of Daoism’ about meditation, stillness cultivation, abstention from grains [bi gu辟谷], sleeping gong [shui gong睡功], dreams, vegetarianism and diet in Daoism, formulae for fasting and meditation incense, including several chapters from the alchemical classic The Essentials of the Shortcut to the Great Achievement [da cheng jie yao 大成捷要]. It will be a mixture of anecdotal and oral transmissions from my teacher Li Shi Fu and translations of a number of chapters from ancient texts. It is set to be released early 2021, and a first draft has been already finalized.
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