Excerpt from Complete Compendium of Zhang Jingyue Vol. 50–51 Part II by Allen Tsaur

Critique by Chen Xiūyuan (on Bao Yīn Jiān 保陰煎/Yīn-Safeguarding Brew)

陰者,中之守也。聖經中言陰虛多指太陰而言 。景岳不知此旨,以熟地、山藥、當歸等為益陰、理陰、固陰,生地、芍藥、麥冬等為保陰、化陰、滋陰、約陰,授庸醫以殺人之刃而不見血,誠可痛恨!試以此方之藥品與所列之治法,證之經者字字支離,不獨虛寒人服之立斃,卽陽臟多火之人,亦非此方可以倖效,葢以配合之失法也。

Yīn is what safeguards the center. Whenever the sagacious canons mention “yīn vacuity,” they typically refer to the taiyīn [vacuity]. As [Zhang] Jingyue was not aware of this decree, he utilized Shu Di, Shān Yao, and Dāng Guī to boost yīn, regulate yīn, and secure yīn; [he also utilized] Shēng Di, Shao Yao, and Mai Dōng to safeguard yīn, enrich yīn, and constrain yīn. As such, he has endowed mediocre physicians with murderous knives while not bloodying himself. Truly, this is utterly despicable! Consider the medicinal ingredients and treatment methods of this formula, when one checks them against the canons, word by word, they are entirely incoherent. Not only will people with vacuity cold die suddenly after taking it, but even for those with yang-treasury and frequent [occurrence of] fire, one will never be able to produce effects by [prescribing] this formula, even with sheer luck. This is because [the formula] has deviated from the [sagacious] method of pairing [ingredients that are] compatible with one another.

-From 景岳全書 Complete Compendium of Zhang Jingyue Vol. 50–51: Eight Battle Arrays of New Formulae With Historical Commentaries and Supplementary Case Studies Part II translated by Allen Tsaur

Post-Scriptum: The original section in the book contains in-depth and detailed footnotes, which are not included here for ease of reading.

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