Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Daoist Arts

Purple Cloud Institute

Our Services

The Purple Cloud Institute is dedicated to the dissemination of various forms of traditional Chinese culture including medicine and healing, martial arts, Tai Chi and Qigong, philosophy, spiritual practice and art.


"It is far superior to know that one does not know, as it is a sickness to confuse one's ignorance for knowledge.

Only when one becomes sick of this sickness will one cease to be sick."


Dao De Jing Ch.71



Picasso and the Poet: Andrew and JulieAnn Nugent-Head Pt 1

By Purple Cloud Admin | 25th September 2018

In this episode Daniel interviews Andrew and JulieAnn Nugent-Head about their passion for Chinese Medicine, their many years living in China and the tumultuous history of Chinese Medicine in China in the last century. Andrew is also presenting a seminar on acupuncture in Brisbane Australia Nov.3-4, for more details please email  

Ge Hong – The Golden Elixir Pt.1

By Purple Cloud Admin | 23rd September 2018

抱朴子 卷四•金丹 Master Of Embracing Simplicity Chapter 4•The Golden Elixir -Excerpt I- 又曰,长生之道,不在祭祀事鬼神也,不在道引与屈伸也,昇仙之要,在神丹也。知之不易,为之实难也。子能作之,可长存也。近代汉末新野阴君,合此太清丹得仙。其人本儒生,有才思,善著诗及丹经赞并序,述初学道随师本末,列己所知识之得仙者四十馀人,甚分明也。作此太清丹,小为难合於九鼎,然是白日昇天之上法也。合之当先作华池赤盐艮雪玄白飞符三五神水,乃可起火耳。 It is also said, that the Dao of Long Life does not rely on the sacrifices for Ghosts and Spirits, [and] it does not rely on Guiding and Leading [1] , bending and stretching. The essentials of ascending to immortality relies on…

五加皮酒 Wu Jia Pi Liquor

By Purple Cloud Admin | 13th September 2018

五加皮酒 Wu Jia Pi Liquor A long time ago a young man named Zhi Zhong He [致中和] live in the West of Zhejiang [浙江]. He was a benevolent and righteous man, who had been transmitted the art of wine-brewing from his ancestor. One day, the fifth daughter of the Dragon King from the Eastern Sea,…

Five Fragrances Liniment

By Purple Cloud Admin | 10th September 2018

“Heaven sent down its fattening dews; earth sent forth its springs of sweet wine; hills produced implements and chariots; the He sent forth the horse with the map. Phoenixes and Qilin were among the trees of the suburbs, tortoises and dragons in the ponds of the palaces….” -excerpt from Li Yun, the Ceremonial Usages- Wine…

变蛋 Bian Dan “Transformation Eggs”

By Purple Cloud Admin | 3rd September 2018

  变蛋 Bian Dan Transformation Eggs Transformation Eggs [bian dan 变蛋] are a type of preserved eggs, notorious and originating in Henan province, China. Despite being consumed widely and often on a weekly basis by all strata of society in the Middle Kingdom, it is also considered one of the most effective medicines for heartburn…

Daoism Series: 44 The Dragon Gate’s Core Methods Seeking Masters and Inquiring About the Dao, Chapter 8

By Purple Cloud Institute | 11th December 0202

Daoism Series: 44 The Dragon Gate’s Core Methods Seeking Masters and Inquiring About the Dao, chapter 8, ‘The Dragon Gate’s Core Methods’, forthcoming: 自古聖賢仙佛,證果成真,無師不度。所以師師相授,口口相傳,心心相印。就中道理,一貫而通,如乳水合,似膠漆投,同氣相求,同聲相應,水天一色,燈月交輝,方能盡其師弟之道。 Since the ancient times sages, worthy ones, immortals and Buddhas verified the fruits and attained the truth; without a master, none of them could have been ferried across. Therefore, one master…