王凤仪⾔⾏录 Records of the Words and Deeds of Wang Fengyi
11. Enduring Humiliation
The following is chapter 11 of Wang Fengyi’s magnum opus; ‘The Record of the Words and Deeds of Wang Fengyi’ 王凤仪⾔⾏录, containing more than 200 chapters. Wang Fengyi is considered a Confucian sage, as part of the Shan Ren Dao movement, he also cured many people, often from the poor countryside, with his healing system that based the root of all illness and disease within one’s emotions.
For more information on his life, see:
When I toiled very hard as long-term labourer, the foreman (supervisor) and the landowner were very good to me. It was precisely a eighbourhood of servants (hired workers), where there was a man, who frequently bullied me, but I ignored him. One day another servant sympathized with me, and was outraged by this injustice . At the time of rest, he said to me in front of the whole crowd of people:
“Wang, the second eldest, you are too well behaved! If you are like this, how could you temper yourself [through hardships] away [from your home]? You need not fear him. Whoever is bullying you again, you will fight with excaty with that person. And I will help you.”
I said:
“In what respect am I afraid of him? I am separated from home by more than one hundred Chinese miles. I am doing toilsome labour here, and I am doing my work properly. My mother is still concerned about me every day! If I moreover come to blows with people, and if by any chance it is passed on to my mother’s ears, would this not then mean she would be less able to ease her heart-mind? I am afraid that my mother constantly has me on her mind. Anxiousness and worry raise fire, thus I learnt to be well-behaved. In what respect am I afraid of him?”
When people, who bully me, have listened to me, though at the timethey are exacltly flushed with anger, afterwards they also do not bully me again.
Post-Scriptum: Another work of Wang Fengyi ‘Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature’ is available through our website: https://purplecloudinstitute.com/product/discourse-on-transforming-inner-nature-hua-xing-tan/?fbclid=IwAR2YgyM2IKT8f5Iv5Eme4x6M3Mmyn8z0WXQpa9PSEZ-JjcBcg0bzDp0YJJc
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