Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature
by Daoist Renunciate Xing De (Li Shifu)
是⼀篇很好的自我完善提升的⽂章。在学习和完善自我的过程中, 我们的执着, 我们的贪, 嗔, 痴, 等各种欲望, 对我们的身,⼼, 灵的提升有巨⼤的影响和阻挡。升华和进化是宇宙万物的主题, 在这个星球上我们有了⾁体, 就会受到阴阳五⾏, ⽣老病死,诸多规律, 纬度, 频率等等各种限制。天地万物⽣⽣灭灭, 时间, 空间, ⽣命, 如梦如幻。什么才是宇宙的真理? ⽣命的真谛? 它的源头在哪里? 过去我们受到⽗母的, 朋友的, 社会的等等教化。在我们的⼤脑中已经形成了固有的, 短见的, 局限的思考认知。让我们先放下来, 让我们的⼤脑放电进⼊零点, 不受外在事物的影响和刺激。让我们把目光收回来, 向内听, 向内看, 向内寻找,我们就会发现⼀扇崭新的⼤门。
Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature
Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature is a great treatise for the perfection and elevation of the “I.” In the process of one’s studies and the perfection of the “I,” our attachments, avarice,
stupors and any kind of desire exert mighty influences on and constitute barriers for the elevation of our Body, Heart and the Divine Soul. Sublimation and evolution are the main topic and theme of the Ten Thousand Things in the universe. On this celestial planet we are endowed with our physical body, a body of flesh, which is the reason why we are subjected to all types of confinements and restrictions of Yin-Yang, the Five Elements, Birth-Aging-Sickness- Death [the four miseries of human life], and a multitude of laws, rules, dimensions, frequencies, and so on. Heaven and Earth and the Ten Thousand Things, life after
life and extinction after extinction, time, space, and Life-Destiny are as if a dream, as if an illusion:
“What are the universe’s Principles of Truth then?
What are the True Essences and meanings of one’s Life-Destiny?
Where are its origin and source?”
In the past we received education and instructions from our father and mother, our friends, society, and so on, through which we transformed. In our brains this has already formed innate, short-sighted and limited contemplation and recognition.This treatise allows us to let go at first and it allows our brain’s electrical impulses to enter Point Zero, not being under
the influence and stimulus of external matters. It furthermore enables us to retrieve our eye’s illumination, shine and radiance, enables us to listen inwards, to gaze inwards, to seek inwards, and therefore we will discover a totally new great gateway.
Hubei Shi Yan City Zhang Wan District
Mount Wudang Heavenly Horse Peak
White Horse Mountain
Five Immortals Temple Abbot Xing De
Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature can be purchased on amazon under the following link, which will support Purple Cloud Institute’s endeavor and ambition to make available more ancient knowledge from Asia:
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