太上感應篇 Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response


Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response


Purple Cloud Press is humbled by the opportunity to collaborate with Five Immortals Temple to create a free booklet about a commentary on Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response by Xing De (Li Shi Fu). It wil only cost as much as is necessary to cover printing and postage:

Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response has had a continuously powerful impact on Chinese civilization from the outset. For many centuries, this treatise has been disseminated amongst hundreds of millions of Chinese people and printed more than both the bible and Dao De Jing. While scholars have attributed the treatise to various authors, legend has it that Lao Zi himself explained and wrote it more than 2,000 years ago.

It is ranks among the Daoist classics of cultivating one’ s Inner Nature, and can be considered ‘China’s Ancient Law of Attraction’. The purpose of the treatise is to urge all people at first to repent their past mistakes and bad conduct and to establish good thoughts, meritorious deeds and virtue as their standard. It points out that if people wish to live a long life and want to obtain good fortune, they certainly must commit benevolent and charitable deeds and accumulate virtues. The underlying principle is clear; nothing in this world happens by chance and human’s destiny and fate are determined by one’s own Heart-Mind, one’s conduct and actions, and one’s speech and words.

善有善报, 恶有恶报。
Kind-heartedness has kind-hearted recompenses,
whereas evil [behaviour] has evil recompenses.

This publication consists of extensive commentaries on the treatise by Daoist renunciant Xing De (Li Shi Fu), which will enable the reader to contemplate the deeper meanings hidden within it.

PS:  Purple Cloud Press wants to point out that this is a commentary only on the text and not the original text’s translation.

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