红膏 Hong Gao: Red Plaster

红膏 【红膏药】
Hong Gao [Hong Gao Yao]
Red Plaster [Red Plaster Medicine]


Pine Rosin [song xiang 松香] 200 grams
Sargentodoxae Caulis [da xue teng 大血藤] 50 grams
Resina Draconis [xue jie 血竭] 30 grams
Borneol [bing pian 冰片] 15 grams
Camphor [zhang nao 樟脑] 15 grams
Sesami Semen Oil [xiang you 香油] appropriate amount [shi liang 适量]

Nine Steps to Accomplishment

Step I:
Boil Sargentodoxae Caulis [da xue teng 大血藤] in water, starting with 800ml down to 160ml.

Step II:
Sieve out the dregs to obtain the medicinal decoction, called Red Decoction.

Step III:
Add a small amount of Sesami Semen Oil to Pine Rosin and heat in separate pot until the Pine Rosin is melted and liquid.

Step IV:
Pour the medicinal decoction of Sargentodoxae Caulis [da xue teng 大血藤] into the container of melted Pine Rosin.

Step V:
Stir well until the water has thoroughly evaporated and completely combined with the Pine Rosin. The mixture should turn red.

Step VI:
Add pulverized Resina Draconis [xue jie 血竭] and whisk in.

Step VII:
Take the pot off the fire and add Borneol [bing pian 冰片] and Camphor [樟脑].

Step VIII:
Check if the consistency is correct by smearing a small smidgen of the warm sticky mixture to a medicinal plaster or piece of paper. Then press it on the skin. Allow the mixture to completely cool and remove the plaster. The goal is to have little or no residue left on the skin.

Step IX:
If there is a large amount of sticky viscous residue left upon removal of the plaster, re-heat the mixture and add more Pine Rosin [song xiang香松] to harden the mixture. And vice versa if the mixture is too hard and the plaster does not even stick to the skin, add more Sesami Semen Oil [xiang you 香油] to soften the mixture. Repeat the consistency test until desired effect is accomplished.

Indications: Acute, sub-acute and chronic pain from trauma, haematomas, contusions etc…
The formula generally speaking removes blood stasis and quickens Qi and blood. It moreover has some cooling properties

[Note: if not immediately applied, before use re-heat the plaster gently with candle, lighter or matchstick without burning the plaster to slightly melt the mixture then apply swiftly]

[practical pictures courtesy of Alex Leskiewicz]

Caution: May stain clothing if not applied to the skin properly. In order to minimise risks additional layers of sports tape could be used to secure the plaster.

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