Daoism Series: 42
The Dragon Gate’s Core Methods
[Commentary on Seeking Masters and Inquiring About the Dao, chapter 8 excerpt forthcoming]
Our father and mother gave us life, but this does not enable us to grow wings and ascend to the heavens. The teacher can give you a ladder to the heavens that has come from the transmission from generation to generation of teachers. If you are given such a ladder, but you do not climb up it, that error lies within yourself. The importance of teachers is to provide the ladder only, which is why they are one of the three treasures. If you do not become one with the teachers in your thinking, your cultivation will not progress. Some things appear in two kinds of line, the lines of unbroken yang and broken yin, or of form and the formless – there are teachers and teachings that have form, such as the discourses of human masters, and also those that are formless, such as the energy fields established between masters and students through which masters transmit knowledge without the need for words. If there is a connecting energy field between the teacher and student, there is no need to ask them about the dao, as the answer will immediately be given to you.
Post-Scriptum: More excerpts can be viewed here: purplecloudinstitute.com/?s=dragon+gate
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