Explanations of Channels and Points Vol.1 – Point Explanations V

Explanations of Channels and Points Vol.1 –
Point Explanations V

The following post is an excerpt from《Explanations of Channels and Points Vol. 1》 [经穴解] translated by Michael Brown and edited by Allen Tsaur. It explicates the origin of point names from a new perspective and viewpoint.

The Heart

Fifth Point of the Heart Channel
Tōng Lǐ – Communicating Lane (HE-5)


Explanation: the previous point is Líng Dào (HE-4). Dào (pathway), it is a road. This point is Tōng Lǐ (Communicating Lane), Lǐ (Lane) also means a road. As this point diverges to Tōng (Communicate) with the hand tàiyáng, there must be a road that Tōng (Communicates) them, therefore it is called Tōng Lǐ (Communicating Lane).


It is the divergent [point] of the hand shàoyīn. At 1 cùn from the wrist, it diverges and ascends following the channel to enter the heart. Then it connects to the root of the tongue and adjoins to the eye connector. When there is excess, there will be propping of the diaphragm; when there is deficiency, there will be inability to speak; [for both diseases] choose this point.

Seventh Point of the Heart Channel
Shén Mén – Spirit Gate (HE-7)


Explanation: the heart is the governor of the bright Shén (Spirit). When the heart channel is diseased, then solely choose this point [1]. because it is the stream and earth [point] of the heart channel, where the heart fire engenders [earth]; thus, when there is a disease, drain the child.


Regarding Mén (gate); where this channel first departs from the wrist to enter the palm, at end of protuberant bone where the pulsating vessel is located, it has the image of a Mén (Gate); therefore, it is called Shén Mén (Spirit Gate).

Ninth Point of the Heart Channel
Shào Chōng – Shàoyīn Surge (HE-9)


Explanation: to say Shào Chōng (Shàoyīn Surge), this is because this channel is the hand shàoyīn, therefore it is called Shào (Shàoyīn). As the well [point] is wood, therefore it is called Chōng (Surge). Wood has the image of springing upward, fire has the image of flaming upward; therefore, it is accordingly named Shào Chōng (Shàoyīn Surge).

[1] Língshū Chapter 71 states, “Huangdi asks, ‘shàoyīn alone does not have points, wouldn’t there be any disease?’ Qibo responded, ‘there is the disease of the external channel but there is none for the zàng-viscus. Thus, solely choose [a point of] this channel at the end of the protuberant bone behind the palm.’”
Post-Scriptum: The book is available on amazon under the following link:
PPS: Vol. 2 will be released next year.
PPPS: Pictures are from wellcomecollection.org and wiki commons

Purple Cloud Admin

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