Explanations of Channels and Points Vol.1 – Point Explanations VI

Explanations of
Channels and Points Vol.1 –
Point Explanations VI


The following post is an excerpt from《Explanations of Channels and Points Vol. 1》 [经穴解] translated by Michael Brown and edited by Allen Tsaur. It explicates the origin of point names from a new perspective and viewpoint.

The Small Intestine

First Point of the Small Intestine
Shào Zé – Lesser Marsh (SI-1)

Explanation: Zé (Marsh) is the place where water accumulates. Because this point is located at the end of the little finger, and moreover it is the well [point] of the small intestine, therefore it is called Shào Zé (Lesser Marsh).

Third Point of the Small Intestine
Hòu Xī – Back Ravine (SI-3)

Explanation: valley and Xī (Ravine) are both names of places [where] water traverses. As the Front Valley (SI-2) is in front of the base joint, behind the base joint, there is the Xī (Ravine). It communicates with the extraordinary channel dū vessel. Even though the foot tàiyáng is located on the two sides of the dū vessel, this channel intersects horizontally with the dū vessel above the shoulders, thus, it communicates with the dū vessel.

Fifth Point of the Small Intestine
Yáng Gǔ – Yáng Valley (SI-5)

Explanation: regarding Yáng, it indicates the tàiyáng channel. Gǔ (Valley) indicates that when this channel is departing from the wrist to ascend the arm, it arrives in front of the protuberant bone; where the channel vessel passes, there is a hollow that resembles the image of water exiting a Gǔ (Valley), therefore it is called Yáng Gǔ (Yáng Valley).

Twelfth Point of the Small Intestine
Bǐng Fēng – Grasping the Wind (SI-12)

Explanation: this point is located below on the shoulder, it is exactly where the Fēng (Wind) comes from externally to strike [it], therefore it is called Bǐng Fēng (Grasping the Wind). Tiān Liáo (SJ-15) is a hand shàoyáng sānjiāo channel point. It is located at the midpoint between the shoulder and the sunken edge of the hidden bone that is located in the supraclavicular fossa. Above the supraclavicular fossa where the flesh first emerges, that is the point.

The small protuberance can be interpreted as head of the shoulder. For the points in this area, there is no such point called Xiǎo Yú (Small Protuberance).

Even though hand yángmíng [is said to] meet at this point (SI-10); in fact, from the front ridge of the outside upper arm, the hand yángmíng channel passes through Zhǒu Liáo (LI-12), Wǔ Lǐ (LI-13), Bì Nào (LI-14), to the top of the shoulder which is Jiān Yú (LI-15).

It emerges at the front edge of collarbone, follows Jù Gǔ (LI-16) to ascend, and emerges to meet at the celestial pillar bone (cervical column), where it meets at Dà Zhuī (DU-14). It does not have a network to enter Bǐng Fēng (SI-10) in the posterior shoulder. For the record here where, “it meets with hand yángmíng,” this is due to the failure to examine it in detail.

The hand shàoyáng follows the outside of the upper arm to ascend to the shoulder, where it intersects (SJ-15) behind the foot shàoyáng (GB-21). It then enters supraclavicular fossa (Quē Pén ST-12). It also does not have a network-vessel that enters the outside shoulder. For the record here where, “[shàoyáng channel] meets here,” this is also due to the failure to examine it in detail.

Regarding “the leg shàoyáng meets here at this point;” [once] the leg shàoyáng [channel] passes Tiān Yǒu (SJ-16), it travels in front of the hand shàoyáng, and descends to the top shoulder. It then follows through Jiān Jǐng (GB-21), there, it intersects with hand shàoyáng and pulls back [medially] after emerging from behind [the latter]. It traverses to Dà Zhuī (DU-14), Dà Zhù (BL-11), and Bǐng Fēng (SI-10). Right in front of Bǐng Fēng (SI-10), it enters the lateral side of the supraclavicular fossa. It then traverses to Bǐng Fēng (SI-12) and meets with this channel at this point. Of the three channels that [allegedly] meet with this channel, only this one can be verified.

Sixteenth Point of the Small Intestine
Tiān Chuāng – Celestial Window (SI-16)

Explanation: this point is located on the side of the neck, resembling a room having Chuāng (Windows), which are located on the sides of a room, therefore it is named Tiān Chuāng (Celestial Window).

Fú Tú (LI-18) is a hand yángmíng large intestine [point], it is located 1 cùn 5 fēn above Qì Shè (ST-11) of the stomach channel, on the neck it should be 1 cùn below the corner of the jaw, and 1 cùn 5 fēn behind from Rén Yíng (ST-9) of the stomach channel. Nevertheless, this point (SI-16) is located behind Fú Tú (LI-18).


Post-Scriptum: The book is available on amazon under the following link:
PPS: Vol. 2 will be released this year.
PPPS: Pictures are from wellcomecollection.org

Purple Cloud Admin

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