The following post is an excerpt from “Explanations of Channels and Points Vol. 2” from the chapter ‘The Ren Channel & Points‘ translated by Michael Brown and edited by Allen Tsaur
The Rèn Channel & Points
Overview of the Rèn Channel
Master Sīlián says, this vessel is the sea of the yīn vessels because when the vessels and network-vessels of a human being flow and circulate in the various yīn aspects, they resemble rivers; and the rèn vessel is where all of them converge together; therefore, it is called the sea of the yīn vessels.
Fourth Point of the Rèn Channel
Guān Yuán – Origin Pass (REN-4)
Alternate name: Second Gate
Alternate name: Lower Regulator
Alternate name: Triple Intersection
This point is located 3 cùn below the umbilicus. It is the collecting point of the small intestine. It is the meeting of the three foot yīn [vessels] together with the foot yángmíng stomach [channel] and rèn vessel.
The Sùzhù states, “Needle 1 cùn 2 fēn, retain for 7 respirations, and moxa 7 cones.” Another source states, “Needle 2 cùn.” The Tóngrén states, “Needle 8 fēn, retain for 3 respirations, drain for 5 inhalations, and moxa 100 to 300 cones.” The Míngtáng states, “Needling is contraindicated for pregnant women. If foetus drop occurs after [this point] is needled, usually, the placenta will be retained; in that case, needle Kūn Lún (BL-60) of the tàiyáng channel on the outer foot and [the placenta] will be discharged immediately.
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