Archive for February 2020
Making Chinese Medicine Series 02 – 枸杞膏 Gou Qi Gao: Wolfsberry Syrup
Making Chinese Medicine Series 02 枸杞膏 Gou Qi Gao: Wolfsberry Syrup ________________________________________________ (in collabo with Jan Lennivati founder of Aoyao-Medicinals) 200g of Gou Qi, cook them for 30 min, the first time drain it through a sieve, cook it another two times for 20 min. Each (total 3 times) of the remaining fluid becomes like…
Read MoreExplanations of Channels and Points Vol.1 -Point Explanations III
Explanations of Channels and Points Vol.1 – Point Explanations III _________________________________________________________________ The following post is an excerpt from《Explanations of Channels and Points Vol. 1》 [经穴解] translated by Michael Brown and edited by Allen Tsaur. It explicates the origin of point names from a new perspective and viewpoint. Stomach ________________________________________________ Twenty-Fourth Point of the Stomach…
Read MoreMaking Chinese Medicine Series 01 – 米酒 Rice Wine
Making Chinese Medicine Series 01 米酒 Rice Wine ________________________________________________________________ The Making of Rice Wine (estimated 10-13% alcohol and powerful medicine) Eight Steps to Heavenly Dew: __________________________________________ Ingredients: _________ 4 Cups of rice (sticky rice preferably- I also used short grain ‘milk rice’ and it worked the same way) One ball of wine yeast [da…
Read More土地公【土地神】 The Earth Deity [Spirit of the Earth and Soil]
土地公【土地神】 The Earth Deity [Spirit of the Earth and Soil] ___________________________________________ The Earth Deity is commonly celebrated on the 2nd day of the 2nd lunar month, [1] which falls onto the 24th February in 2020. The Earth Deity is local spirit who looks after the local communities. The local Spirits are featured frequently in the…
Read More25th February 2020 文昌帝君生日 Birthday of the Deity of Literature
25th February 2020 文昌帝君生日 Birthday of the Deity of Literature ____________________________ Traditionally the Deity of Literature’s birthday is celebrated on the 3rd day of the 2nd lunar month. This year, this date falls onto the 25th of February 2020 [1]. The significance of his veneration can be accurately reflected by a saying from the South,…
Read MorePedro Solana – The Path of the Spiritual Warrior
Pedro Solana The Path of the Spiritual Warrior _________________________________________________ The following is an excerpt from Lindsey Wei‘s forthcoming book to be published by Purple Cloud Press later this year: “The secret of martial arts that everyone knows but no one does… Let go of the fear of losing.” -Pedro Solana I would like to make this…
Read More大仙爺 The Great Immortal Elder
大仙爺 The Great Immortal Elder _________________________________________________ The following article will appear in the appendix of Purple Cloud Press’ forthcoming publication of 《The 49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao》 by Xing De/Li Shi Fu, a manual for refining one’s Inner Nature based on Liu Yi Ming’s 50 Barriers. Li Shi Fu is abbot of Five Immortals…
Read More太上感應篇 Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response
太上感應篇 Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response ________________________________ Purple Cloud Press is humbled by the opportunity to collaborate with Five Immortals Temple to create a free booklet about a commentary on Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response by Xing De (Li Shi Fu). It wil only cost as much as is necessary to cover printing…
Read More修道四十九関 The 49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao – Barrier 48
修道四十九関 The 49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao _______________________________________________ 采战關 Barrier 48, The Barrier of the War of Picking _______________________________________________ The following is a sample chapter of Purple Cloud Press’ forthcoming third book, ’49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao’, planned for a release at the end of February 2020. It consists of an original…
Read More前言 Foreword to the 《49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao》
前言 Foreword to the 《49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao》 __________________________________________ ‘非正常’人的修行路 The Abnormal Person’s Path of Cultivation ________________________________________________ 原文是清时道教刘一名所著【修道五十关】,稍加修改。所谓非正常人,是社会大众所以为于众有异,世人土话叫疯子、神经病、白痴、傻种、二百五、缺心眼、败家子、不务正业、好吃懒做、唯唯诺诺、百无一用、等等。因为祂们的人生观、价值观、世界观、宇宙观与世人有异,祂们不去争名夺势,不去坑蒙拐骗,不向仕途钻营,不学唯利是图,不学投机取巧,鸡鸭鱼肉不食,伤生害命不做,美色琼浆远止、、。世人看来实是一个无能、无用之废人。不是吗?别人会问;祂图什么呢?不可思议! ________________________________________________ The original text [of this scripture] was written in the Qing Dynasty by the Daoist Liu Yi Ming as《The Fifty Barriers》, and has been slightly modified [in this version]. What we call an…
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