Archive for June 2020
青黛膏 Qing Dai Gao – Indigo Ointment
青黛膏 Qing Dai Gao – Indigo Ointment __________________________________________________________ Ingredients: Qing Dai [青黛] 20g Huang Bai [黄柏] 20g Hua Shi [化石] 40g Shi Gao [石膏] 40g Beeswax 30g Castor Oil 170g [the formula listed the untraditional 200g petroleum jelly, a by-product from petrol making, which was replaced with natural beeswax and castor oil with a ratio…
Read More25th June, 2020 端午节 [重五节] The Dragon Boat Festival [Double Five Festival]
25th June, 2020 端午节 [重五节] The Dragon Boat Festival [Double Five Festival] _________________________________________________ The Dragon Boat Festival is traditionally held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month [1]. From a Daoist medicine point of view it is also the date to harvest mugwort [artemisia argyi or vulgaris], as it will have absorbed the…
Read MorePreface to Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature [化性谈]
Preface to Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature [化性谈] ___________________________________________________________ By Xing De (Li Shi Fu – abbot of Five Immortals Temple) 是⼀篇很好的自我完善提升的⽂章。在学习和完善自我的过程中, 我们的执着, 我们的贪, 嗔, 痴, 等各种欲望, 对我们的身,⼼, 灵的提升有巨⼤的影响和阻挡。升华和进化是宇宙万物的主题, 在这个星球上我们有了⾁体, 就会受到阴阳五⾏, ⽣老病死,诸多规律, 纬度, 频率等等各种限制。天地万物⽣⽣灭灭, 时间, 空间, ⽣命, 如梦如幻。什么才是宇宙的真理? ⽣命的真谛? 它的源头在哪里? 过去我们受到⽗母的, 朋友的, 社会的等等教化。在我们的⼤脑中已经形成了固有的, 短见的, 局限的思考认知。让我们先放下来, 让我们的⼤脑放电进⼊零点, 不受外在事物的影响和刺激。让我们把目光收回来, 向内听, 向内看, 向内寻找, 我们就会发现⼀扇崭新的⼤门。 湖北⼗堰张湾武当⼭天马峰 白马⼭五仙庙兴德 Discourse on…
Read MoreDaoism Series 18: 玄关 The Mysterious Pas
Daoism Series 18 玄关 The Mysterious Pass ___________________________________________________________ Student: What does the Mysterious Pass in the《Dao De Jing》mean? Master Li: Profound and mysterious [xuan miao玄妙], it is not even the mysterious pass. Later the cultivators of past generations pointed at the gate and door; it is the place of mysterious wonders. It creates a spirit…
Read More修道四十九関 The 49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao, 累债關 Barrier 28, The Barrier of Accumulation of Debts [excerpt]
修道四十九関 The 49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao _________________________________________________ 累债關 Barrier 28, The Barrier of Accumulation of Debts [excerpt] _________________________________________________ Main Text based on Liu Yi Ming’s 50 Barriers _______________________________________________ 修道之人須簡樸素行,財富所積,乃十方血汗,非可輕易空受,須隨緣淡泊,一絲一線,當思來處不易,一飲一食,須知成就惟艱,如能修持到道成德備之時,不但消化十方債賬,無始劫以来之宿孽,皆一筆勾銷。 People who cultivate the Dao must be of simple, unadorned and plain conduct. What is accumulated as wealth and riches [comes from] the blood…
Read More太上感应篇 Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response Commentary by Xing De [excerpt from Preface]
太上感应篇 Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response Commentary by Xing De [excerpt from Preface] _________________________________________________ 行善积德福庇子孙,作恶受罚殃及子孙。 积善之家,必有余庆,积不善之家,必有余殃。 When one practices kind-heartedness, one will accumulate virtues, and its good fortune will protect one’s children and grandchildren. When one does evil, one will receive punishment and bring disaster to one’s children and grandchildren. Families which accumulate…
Read MoreSaints & Sages Part XIII: 大禹 Yu, The Great
Saints & Sages Part XIII: 大禹 Yu, The Great ___________________________________________________________ 除了这三件宝物的来历,还有一段故事在当地流传呢! 古代禹帝时期,天下洪水泛滥,平原地带都被水淹了。禹帝爷为了制服(治服)洪水,便驾着万年神龟四处察看水情。一日,来到了老母荒的山顶,见洪水太大,就在此设立神坛,准备借用神力使山川移位,河流改道,让洪水入海。只见禹帝爷手捧朝天笏,向上天禀报了一番,请天帝派四海龙王、群神天将协助治水。他书写了一道令符,从怀中掏出翻天印,正要往下盖章的时候,太上老君来了,一扇子扇来,把印扇扁了,只盖上了一半,眨眼的功夫,翻天印、朝天笏和万年龟都化成了石头。只听老君爷说道:“天下万物兴衰自有定数,不可依神力改变,当以人力顺理而为,如人世间都以神力行事,有违天意。”真是定数,如果老君爷晚来一步,令符被禹帝爷盖上翻天印,祭起神符,敕令众神施法,那大地、山川、河流就不会是现在这个样子了!大禹爷没有了三件宝物,失去了神力,只好依靠人力率领众百姓挖土建堤,疏通河道,引水入海,终于战胜了洪水。如今山川依旧,仙迹尤在,已是时过境迁。 Besides from the origin of these three treasures, there was also one story which was disseminated locally! During the ancient era of the Emperor Yu, there was rampant flooding all under the heavens. The plain regions were all submerged under water. In order…
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