Posts by Purple Cloud Admin
Orthopaedic Acupuncture for Back Pain Seminar
The Orthopaedic Acupuncture for Back Pain seminar with Andrew Nugent-Head in Brisbane last weekend was a great success! Thanks to Andrew and everyone who attended and assisted in making this such a fantastic event – hopefully the first of many to come!
Read MorePodcast Ep. 4 – Jonathan Chang: Palpating the Channels
In this episode Daniel interviews Jonathan Chang , long time student of the late world renown acupuncturist Dr Wang Ju Yi, discussing his unique approaches to medical practice. If you enjoyed listening, please subscribe to us!
Read MoreHerbal Legends: Jin Yin Hua 金銀花 (Honeysuckle Flower)
A long time ago a married couple happily spent their days together, but fate had it in store that the wife gave birth to twins; two lovely girls. Since their daughters were precious to them as if silver and gold and beautiful to them as if flowers, they were named Golden Flower and Silver Flower.…
Read MorePodcast Ep.3 – Johan Hausen: Transforming Inner Nature
In this episode Daniel interviews Johan Hausen, co-founder of the Purple Cloud Institute, about his time spent at the Five Immortals Temple in Wudang, founding his publishing company, the Purple Cloud Press, his first book about Confucian scholar and healer Wang Feng-Yi “Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature”. If you enjoyed listening, please subscribe to us!
Read MoreHerbal Legends: Tu Si Zi 菟絲子 (Chinese Dodder Seeds)
Once upon a time there was a rich landlord, who was obsessed with hares and rabbits. He raised all kinds of different breeds and they were cared for by his farm hand. Whenever the farm hand was alone at home, he was warned by the landlord: “Pay attention! If something happens to a rabbit, I…
Read MoreGe Hong: Golden Elixir Pt.2
抱朴子 卷四•金丹 Master Of Embracing Simplicity Chapter 4•The Golden Elixir Excerpt II 九丹者,长生之要,非凡人所当见闻也,万兆蠢蠢,唯知贪富贵而已,岂非行尸者乎?合时又当祭,祭自有图法一卷也。 The Nine Elixirs are the essentials for long life. It is not what is for the ordinary people to be seen and heard. Ten Thousand fore-visions and omens move in disorderly fashion [for them], only aware that they contain riches and high…
Read MoreHerbal Legends: Qing Hao 青蒿 (Wormwood/Artemisia)
During the Qing dynasty a famous physician called Qian Jinglun lived in Xiushui. Not only were his healing skills on an extraordinary high level, but he also possessed high moral standards and furthermore he was an honest and righteous man. Despite his abilities he remained poor throughout his life, since he was dedicated to treating…
Read MoreA Medicine of Flavour: Andrew and JulieAnn Nugent-Head Pt 2
Part two of our interview with Andrew and JulieAnn Nugent-Head is up today! In this episode we talk about the links between Chinese herbal medicine and the Chinese culinary arts, as well the future of scientific research into Chinese medicine.
Read MoreWang Feng Yi on Manual Labour and Excessive Greed
Chapter Five of Wang Fengyi’s magnum opus, The Record of the Words and Deeds of Wang Fengyi [wang feng yi yan xing lu 王凤仪⾔⾏录], containing more than 200 chapters. Purple Cloud Press hopes to have this masterpiece translated one day and make it accessible to the English-speaking world. More of WangFeng Yi is available in…
Read MorePicasso and the Poet: Andrew and JulieAnn Nugent-Head Pt 1
In this episode Daniel interviews Andrew and JulieAnn Nugent-Head about their passion for Chinese Medicine, their many years living in China and the tumultuous history of Chinese Medicine in China in the last century. Andrew is also presenting a seminar on acupuncture in Brisbane Australia Nov.3-4, for more details please email
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