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The Purple Cloud Institute is dedicated to the dissemination of various forms of traditional Chinese culture including medicine and healing, martial arts, Tai Chi and Qigong, philosophy, spiritual practice and art.
"It is far superior to know that one does not know, as it is a sickness to confuse one's ignorance for knowledge.
Only when one becomes sick of this sickness will one cease to be sick."
Dao De Jing Ch.71
21st May 2024: Birthday of Lü Dongbin
21st May 2024: Birthday of Lü Dongbin According to the Daoist tradition, the Birthday of Founding Ancestor Lü Chunyang (呂純陽祖師聖誕 Lü Chunyang Zushi Shengdan) is observed on the 14th day of the 4th Chinese lunar month which falls on May 21st this year. Below you find described the circumstances of his birth: 初,母就蓐時,異香滿室,天樂浮空。一白鶴自天而下,飛入帳中不見。生而金形木質鶴頂龜背,鳳眼朝天,雙眉入鬢。少聰明,日記萬言,矢口成文。身長八尺二寸,狀類張子房,二十不娶。始在襁褓,馬祖見曰:此兒骨相不凡,自是風塵物外。他時遇廬則居,見鍾則扣。留心記取。後遊廬山遇火龍真人,傳天遁劍法。唐會昌中兩舉進士不第。時年六十四歲,遊長安酒肆,見一羽士青巾白袍,偶書絕句於壁曰:坐臥常攜酒一壺,不教雙眼識皇都。乾坤許大無名姓,疏散人間一丈夫。洞賓訝其狀貌奇古,詩意飄逸,因揖問姓氏。羽士曰:吾雲房先生也,居在終 南鶴嶺。子能從遊乎? At…
Excerpt from Legacy of Chinese Shamanism: The Wu and their Successors
On Wuism in China The wu, from the earliest records available to us from the Shang Dynasty through to the imperial writings, have been associated with a wide sphere of activities that include divination, sorcery, exorcism, rainmaking, medicine and, in its most denigrated and denounced form, what we might call ‘witchcraft’ in the West .…
Australian Taoist Cultural Festival
Australian Taoist Cultural Festival The recent Australian Taoist Cultural Festival was an amazing, surreal and exhausting experience. Many worked hard behind the scenes to make this happen, and it was really a testament to the spirit of the international Daoist community. I would like to thank Meixi Yan Huizhang and everyone else who’s hard work…
Excerpt from Legends of White Horse Mountain by Johan Hausen and Rachel Woo
Legends of White Horse Mountain (2024 forthcoming): 传说,白马山是由天马所变。很久以前十堰、竹山、郧县一带,有一黄龙兴风作浪,连年大发洪水,庄稼整日浸在水里,使百姓们不得安生,苦不堪言。。。 Legend has it that White Horse Mountain was transformed by a heavenly horse. A very long time ago on Mount Bamboo, in Shiyan, in the region around Yun County, there was a yellow dragon that stirred up trouble, causing great floods year after year. The farm crops…
Excerpt from Complete Compendium of Zhang Jingyue Vol. 50–51 Part II by Allen Tsaur
Critique by Chen Xiūyuan (on Bao Yīn Jiān 保陰煎/Yīn-Safeguarding Brew) 陰者,中之守也。聖經中言陰虛多指太陰而言 。景岳不知此旨,以熟地、山藥、當歸等為益陰、理陰、固陰,生地、芍藥、麥冬等為保陰、化陰、滋陰、約陰,授庸醫以殺人之刃而不見血,誠可痛恨!試以此方之藥品與所列之治法,證之經者字字支離,不獨虛寒人服之立斃,卽陽臟多火之人,亦非此方可以倖效,葢以配合之失法也。 Yīn is what safeguards the center. Whenever the sagacious canons mention “yīn vacuity,” they typically refer to the taiyīn [vacuity]. As [Zhang] Jingyue was not aware of this decree, he utilized Shu Di, Shān Yao, and Dāng Guī to boost yīn, regulate yīn,…
Li Shifu on Desires
On Desires: The one character for longevity to exemplify it is ‘protection’ [bao保], while the one character for the elixir path is ‘transformation’ [hua化]. ‘I feel guilty for desires.’ There is no tree that feels guilty for growing leaves. Desires are normal, but you must not advocate or follow your desires. What your thoughts are…